“Spirikins are animal spirits. Each girl’s spirikin represents her inner self, and that defines which animal chooses her. The spirikin helps a girl acquire the one quality she needs but doesn’t have.”
~ Queen Mangi

Look into your heart: what quality do you need in your life? Do you need to become a better friend or a better listener? Do you need to learn how to ask for help—or maybe how to give it? Do you need to believe in yourself? To express what’s in your heart? Do you need to be more daring, or more patient, or more kind? These are powerful qualities, and to master them you’ll need help from a powerful guide: your spirikin.

You can’t find your spirikin by taking a simple quiz. You won’t find her by making a list of all the good qualities you already have (and you have many!) That’s because your spirikin isn’t about who you are now; she shows you who you can become. No one else can tell you what your spirikin is. The only expert is you!

Ready to find out? Choose one of your favorite things to do, and invite her to reveal herself…

Go on a walk: Go on a hike in the mountains, a stroll on the beach, or a walk around your neighborhood. What do you see? Do certain animals always seem to show up when you go for a walk? Even in the city you can find animals everywhere: eagles nesting on skyscrapers, spiders crafting beautiful webs. Animals can appear in paintings or murals or even show up on billboards or as designs on jewelry or clothes.

Dive into dreams: Before you go to bed, think about what you need to work on in your life. It’s OK if it feels like a really big scary goal to tackle. If you are brave and honest, you will call the exact spirikin you need. Right before you fall asleep, invite your spirikin to come find you in your dreams. Maybe the two of you will meet in Aventurine!

Explore silence: Find a beautiful or inspiring place to sit for a while. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, or just watch the clouds in the sky or the wind moving through the grass. If you start worrying or making lists, set them aside and come back to the present. Your spirikin may come find you if you make space by getting quiet.

Make some noise: Listen to music you love—or jump up and start dancing! What kind of moves seem natural to you? You could even try moving like an animal—soar like a hawk or stalk like a tiger. Keep your mind open and have fun—see what kind of animal comes to dance with you!

Draw your spirikin: Find some time to draw or write. Think about the natural places and animals you feel a connection with. Animals have different strengths and talents. What kinds of strengths do you want to bring into your life? Just start drawing or writing and see what animal shows up on the page. Your spirikin could be as big as a bear or as small and delicate as a lightning bug.

Curl up and read: If you love reading, find stories and facts about animals. Check out forests, mountains, jungles, deserts, plains, oceans and rivers. What seems coolest to you—wolves and tigers, or dogs and cats? Look up birds like eagles, hawks, cranes and songbirds. Find images of whales, dolphins, seahorses and sea turtles. Even check out the smallest (and bravest) of creatures: rabbits and mice, frogs and lizards, dragonflies, spiders, even ladybugs.

Have fun and know that your spirikin will find you when the moment is right!


you have earned a wisdom card!


362 thoughts on “My Spirikin

  1. I am a white wolf. All I did was close my eyes and dreamed. I just let it come to me. It felt so real! I could smell the wind and it felt like it was going to rain. When it did it rained tiny golden droplets, and threw them I could see something moving. I remember feeling kind of strange, like someone dumped me in ice water. Then I could see a beautiful white wolf with the strangest green eyes……. then I woke and I remembered every detail!

  2. I’m a white tiger. I’ve always found them interesting and they are always popping up in my dreams and in my life. The white tiger is beautiful and proud, two things I lacked because I was always self conscious and believed I wasn’t pretty at all. Now I’ve accepted myself and I’m proud of who I am.

  3. i am a seal. all i had to do was close my eyes. congrants to all the girls who did it before me. good luck for ones who hasenet

  4. I have no idea what my sprinkin is. I am going out into the rain to try and find it. This is my last hope. I have tried all of the suggestions. Any ideas?

  5. I`m a Texas Gray wolf. I can surrive hot summers cause I live in Texas(for real) but I`m only brave and bold when dream and when wolfquest where you are a wolf. When I was little I had a dream,where a bucth of friends and me with aldult.In my pasture and out spang a pack wovles I backed a while everybody but I stood my ground and din`t get hurt. plus over time I was drawn to wovles. now I`m wolf crazy.I even a stuffed wolf named Stiker. and write stories about wovles(at I`m on my first one.)

  6. mine is a grizzly bear because 1, i live in oregon,2, i have loung dark shagy brown hair,3, about 99% of my dreams are baised in the woods,4, i rarely get yellow jacket and wasp or bee stigns, (and when i do they dont realy hert)5, i am realy stroung and,6, i am a great tree climer(and i love honey too)

  7. i am a cat.I just closed my eyes and i saw it. I can prove it cause 1I am agile and good at gymnastics
    2 I love fish.{especialy tuna!} 3 I have a soft,loveable apperance but if you pick on me, WATCH OUT or you’ll
    wish you haden’t.

  8. My spirikin is a tennesy walker horse. I can prove this by theese 3 facts.
    1.I am a vegitarian
    2.I am fast, strong phisicaly and emotionaly
    3.I am kind and gental

  9. i’m a Snowy Owl.We are smart and clever.I want to my living room and peered out the window at the night sky.It came to me when I closed my eyes there….I dreamed I was walking in a snowy forest. With the stars twinkling and nature life all around.Sometimes there would be a lamp post.Then I stopped and looked at a tree.Different from others.The brown of the tree was like a brown paint from a picture.And the new fall in snow glimmered like crystals.Then there was the Snowy owl.It Glimmered and shined it’s eyes at me. Coohing like it loved me but didn’t have the words to say it.Then i fluttered my eyes open and stared out the window a lil longer then left.Here are some reasons we are alike:We stay up late,We love to watch the patterns of snowflakes,We both have ways of being special and are good fighters and hunters.So i leave you in my tracks…See you soon.,.,.,.,.,.,.

  10. I dunno Quewon.Only to can answer that…. but i can help!Go to ur special private place.Dream an think it may or not be ur fave animal.I want a snowy owl for christmas.Like hedwing from harry potter i’m on book four page 151.Merry Chirstmas.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,

  11. My spirkin is a dashushund. I can be feirce if i need to and i can be sweet and inviting! And Jan Bozarth went to my school today ( Metarie Academy ) and i got Sumi’s book and she autographed it!

  12. i think mine is a dog or a panda i like pandas or a horse this is hard

    i think im a……………………
    i figured it out im not one but many like a bird, a dog, a panda, and a horse

  13. ok when i started to day dream for this i started singing im dreaming of a white Christmas so i think im a white tigress<3 they are so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I think i’m a deer. A deer or a dolphin. I don’t know witch….. hold on……yeah,im a dolphin.Here are the reasons why:
    1.I always have my dreams under water.
    2.It just came to me when i closed my eyes.
    3.I don’t want to brag but,I know how to swim like a dolphin.
    And 4.I LOVE to swim!


  16. im sure im a hawk cuz 1.i’ve always wanted to soar like a hawk 2. my fave animal is a hawk and 3. i always imagine being a superheroine with huge hawk wings.

  17. I was dancing and the word mouse popped into my mind. Yet it was a very energetic dance. I have no idea how I got mouse but I’m not complaining.

  18. I am a cat because I have two cats . Cats are one of my favorite animals . They sometimes come to me in my dreams . They scratch up the furniture, BUT… I love them .

  19. I think that I am a wolf, I have always gone a little crazy when I think about wolves. I’m like them in that they like to be alone but they also want to be in a pack. I also think that I have a wolf Spirikin because I am always smelling things that others don’t. I am also not like them because I’m not a good tracker, I don’t have great stamina, I’m not fierce, and I don’t know how to really fight. That’s why I think that I’m a wolf.

  20. I will try to fined mine today. I think it might be a bird of some sort because I have dreams of flying.
    If you have dreams of flying please tell me.

  21. OMG it was the most amazing thing that ever happened to me! I went out in the woods behind our house to a pretty stump carpeted with moss. I go there often. I sat down and shut my eyes and thought about what I could be missing. Just then I heard a soft fluttering and tweeting. I looked up and all the trees were filled with birds. Small birds like chickadees and nuthatches and so on. I sat and just watched them for a few minuets. and then I heard a loud Ooo-Aaa-Aaa, or something along those lines. I glanced over and not even 5 trees away, just a little ways up, was two Pilleated Woodpeckers. We just sat there and stared at each other for a few long moments and then they flew of and started hoping around in the branches with the other birds.
    I think I know what I am missing, wings.
    Please Birdie, if this is my Spirikin, tell me

  22. Hi, I’m new. I think my Spirikin is a dove. The reasons I think I’m a dove is because I love being up high like I am Flying, I love the colors turquoise, spring green, and pastel yellow, you know, like airy colors, and I love flowers.

  23. Hi, I just found this website. I’m new. I can’t figure out how to get on to the acual thing. I think I’m a sean turtle. But, I’m not sure!

  24. hi Laura, you are on the site! there is no account to sign up for, simply enjoy the various posts and activities.. you can see more wisdom acts HERE. have fun!

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