Gifts That Give Back

OK, now that Thanksgiving is over, I’m ready to stop thinking about food (at least for a little while) and start thinking about gifts. I always put off getting presents until the last minute, but this year I’m going to start early! (Does November 30th still count as early??)

And since I’m a part of the Arbor Lineage, I want my presents to help the green world…or at least not harm it!! So I’m going to give to green charities and make my own gifts this year. Continue reading

DIY Fashion Friday: Birdie’s Patch Jeans

Hello Fancy Pants! It’s fashiongirl. Hope everyone had a swell holiday. CherryBlossem recently suggested I do a post on how to make a pair of patched jeans like Birdie’s…

So pull out a pair of comfy, old jeans and let’s get started! Continue reading

Thanksgiving Dinner Reboot!


Hiya Cookies, ChefGirl here!

As much as I LOVE Thanksgiving dinner (and I do!) I get a little, err, tired of leftovers…especially on day three. So I decided to start a new family tradition I call the Thanksgiving Reboot! On the Friday after Thanksgiving I take all the leftovers and turn them on their heads. My family loves it! Continue reading

DIY Fashion Friday: Super-Cool Cuffs!

Hey style superheroes! Welcome to another Fashiongirl post…

Today I’m going to show you how to make some very cool wrist cuffs. It doesn’t take any super powers to make these for yourself and your friends…just recycle some great-looking old belts!


These cuffs are a snap to make since the belts already have openings in them–look for fun vinyl or leather belts with grommets or cut-out shapes. I picked these up at my local thrifty for less than $3 a piece, score! Continue reading

Announcing Birdie’s Book Reader’s Guide!

Book Girl here! I just wanted to let you know that a Reader’s Guide for Birdie’s Book is now available. Aimed at Parents, it gives you some cool things to think about before you even read the book, plus questions to discuss when you finish, and activities to try out too.

Check it out at this link, it’s free!

Then post a comment, I’d love to know what all you other book girls think 🙂

Comfort Food

It’s gotten just cold enough lately that I’ve broken out my scarves and started to think about comfort food like Granny Mo’s tomato basil soup and burnt grilled cheese sandwiches. (I’ve started to really like them burned, they remind me of visits to the Eggplant House).

Mom thought that sounded great too, but she pointed out that Granny Mo picks tomatoes and basil right out of the garden and freezes some so she can make “fresh” homemade soup anytime. And that’s why it tastes so good. So instead of doing our best with canned soup, we came up with a game: how could we make the same kind of happy warm comfy meal from only stuff we found at the farmers’ market? Continue reading

DIY Fashion Friday: Arm Warmers!

Hello, Fashiongirl here!

Birdie asked me to post a fun project just in time for the cool weather, so I’m going to show you a couple of easy-peasy ways to make cozy arm warmers from a pair of socks!


We’ve got two different styles of warmers: a long “tube-style” and a shorter “thumb-style”. Continue reading

Good Food, AUSTIN style!

Hey, dreamers! Greengirl here as a guest writer!

Birdie’s story about her NY food drive inspired me to start a food drive for the Capital Area Food Bank right here in Austin! We’re starting this Saturday and collecting food through Tuesday, November 24th. Continue reading