DIY Fashion Friday: Super-Cool Cuffs!

Hey style superheroes! Welcome to another Fashiongirl post…

Today I’m going to show you how to make some very cool wrist cuffs. It doesn’t take any super powers to make these for yourself and your friends…just recycle some great-looking old belts!


These cuffs are a snap to make since the belts already have openings in them–look for fun vinyl or leather belts with grommets or cut-out shapes. I picked these up at my local thrifty for less than $3 a piece, score!

white flower cut-out belt and red grommet belt

white flower cut-out belt & red grommet belt

Step 1: Make a “paper pattern” of your cuff. Wrap a strip of paper around your wrist and tape it closed. Very carefully, either tear or use a pair of blunt-edge scissors to cut the paper cuff off your wrist. Please ask a grown-up/friend for help if you need it and take your time!


Step 2: Lay the paper pattern next to the belt (start near one end of the belt so you can make multiple cuffs from a single belt.) Lightly mark the two ends of your cuff along the top and bottom of the belt.


Step 3: Use a pencil and ruler to make straight lines and carefully cut along both ends of your cuff.


Step 4: Thread your cuff, slip it on your wrist and tie it on with a loose knot or bow. Try out different types and colors of ribbon, cord, or laces–whatever fits your style or mood!

silver cord with knot & brown ribbon about to be a bow!

silver cord tied with knot & brown ribbon about to be a bow!

Step 5: AWESOMENESS!!! Notice how you end up with totally different looks depending on the belt style you choose. (The “red rocker” on the left can be flipped inside out to be black, too!)


Step 6: Do it again a few times and you’ll have cuffs for the whole gang!


Tips and Ideas:

  • + I got 5 cuffs from each belt. Amount will vary depending on length of belt and size of wrists.
  • + These cuffs make great gifts or party favors! Have guests make their own or have them already pre-cut, then folks pick out the ribbon or cord they like and finish them. (I promise to do a post about a DIY fashion party soon!)
  • + Choose belts that aren’t too thick and bend easily. Most belts can be cut with scissors. If a belt is very thick and stiff, you will need help from a grown-up since it will require careful cutting with a craft knife and metal straight edge on a safe surface.
  • + Experiment and have fun!

14 thoughts on “DIY Fashion Friday: Super-Cool Cuffs!

  1. Hi! Its CherryBlosom! I was wondering if you could write a post about how to make your jeans Birdie? Thanks!

  2. Oh and Birdie, can I make a post for you to put up on how to cool-ify your jeans? I love doing that and I have a LOT of ideas. Oh and how to make a purse out of your dad’s old neckties! Where can I send them to? Is there an email adress? Or can I post them on MY blog and give you the link?

  3. So Bridie,
    I have your book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have a idea why don’t you post how to make a dress out of a T-shirt and some old blue jeans. I can and I have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet lots of other girls want to.I’ll email you how latter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Hello All:

    We have a new post coming soon about making a kimono out of an old t-shirt just like Sumi would do. Stand by for that!

  5. I think the cuffs are totally awesome. Hey birdie, do to think you can put instructsens how to make your own bandana? Thanks birdie

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