London Calling!

I love London.  I am introducing the Fairy Godmother Academy books in the UK this week. They really get fairies here. Write to me if you are a fan in the UK.

Check out this Wisdom on a blackboard at Neal Courtyard.

There are many magical places on earth. London was calling me and I answered! Where do you find magic?

Book Giveaway!

Are you a student, parent, teacher, librarian, or just a FGA fan? Write a review of any Fairy Godmother Academy book and we’ll pick our favorites to receive a free autographed FGA book!

To Participate: Just post a short review in the comments section of this post.  If your book review is selected, we’ll contact you for your mailing address so we can send you your free book! You can direct your book to your favorite library or keep it for yourself (and to share with friends).  🙂