Jan Bozarth Speaking at RISE 2010

Jan is speaking at RISE on March 4 from 2-3:30pm on “Building a Product for Dreamers” as a part of the first annual Women Entrepreneurs Track. We hope you can make it. This is part of a week-long effort to highlight female entrepreneurs in Austin and includes 20 dynamic, successful business owners who have made a big impact in our city. You don’t want to miss it. All sessions are free to attend but are limited to 25 people so be sure to register right away at RISEAustin.org. You can find my session by clicking on the RISE Austin Women Entrepreneurs track and selecting the day.

More about RISE: Now in its 4th year, RISE has steadily gained steam each year. It’s a great chance to learn from and connect with entrepreneurs from multiple industries and backgrounds, along with leaders from universities, non-profits, neighborhoods and government. Learn more at www.riseaustin.org.

Jan Bozarth in New Orleans

Fairy Godmothers…

are always on the lookout for ways to help others, to become a cultural force for good. If you are near New Orleans, come to a signing, Q&A, reading and book give-away with Jan Bozarth, author and lead dreamer of the Fairy Godmother Academy. If you aren’t near New Orleans, please consider making a gift purchase of Birdie’s Book for the girls of east New Orleans. Details below…



February 11 from 4 to 5:30 PM

Maple Street Book Shop
7523 Maple Street, New Orleans, LA 70118 (Click here for map…)
Contact: Cindy Dike @ 504-861-2105

February 15 at 4:30 PM

East New Orleans Branch Library
5641 Read Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70127 (Click here for map…)
Contact: Lila La Graize @ 504-596-2646

Author Jan Bozarth will make two specially-scheduled visits to New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Bozarth will appear at the city’s beloved book seller Maple Street Book Shop on February 11 from 4 to 5:30 PM to sign books and answer questions about the series. On February 15 at 4:30 PM Bozarth will give a reading at the East New Orleans Branch Library, followed by a book give-away to children rebuilding their lives post-Katrina. The first 30 children to arrive will get a signed copy of Birdie’s Book.

maple street bookstore


Give Birdie’s Book to a New Orleans Library

It feels good to help others uncover their Wisdoms and Dreams, even if you never meet them! Please consider buying Birdie’s Book and gifting it The East New Orleans Library. 30 copies will be given to girls in attendance at Jan’s talk, and any additional copies will be in the stacks for girls who use the library. Simply go to Amazon and during checkout mark the book as gift, with the following address:

East New Orleans Branch Library
c/o: Lila La Graize
5641 Read Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70127

Birdies Book
Give this book to a fairy godmother in-the-making!