Share Gratitude & Generosity this week

Gratitude Cards
“I recognize all I receive from others.”

As a fairy godmothers in-the-making, you can practice gratitude by first noticing all the things others do for you, then showing your appreciation with handmade gratitude cards. Learn how in this Wisdom Act:

Gratitude Card

Click to earn this beautiful Wisdom Card today!


Green Squad: Food for Neighbors in Need
“Share food with others and decorate cool recycled bags!”

Granny Mo will tell you: good food from the garden tastes best when shared. Share the bounty by organizing a food drive close to home! And protect the green world, too—deliver your donations in reusable bags that you’ve decorated yourself.Get started now: it’s fun, easy and makes a real difference.

Green Squad Wisdom Card

Click to earn this beautiful Wisdom Card today!


Check out lots more Wisdom Acts at the Wisdom Chooser.

Don’t forget to Buy Birdie’s Book for the tween girl in your life!

Help for Haiti

You probably already know today is Martin Luther King Day (because school’s out, yay!) It’s also the King Day of Service, a great time to do something good for our world. I read that Dr. King said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: what are you doing for others?”

That’s an amazing question. How would you answer it? Continue reading

Have you started YOUR Local Lineage?

Local Lineage: Green Squad
Together we can heal the world.

As a fairy-godmother-in-training, you don’t have to wait to go to Aventurine to start growing in wisdom. You can make a difference in the real world —your world — every day. How? Form a local lineage with friends to make your world a better place! Get started now: it’s fun, easy and makes a real difference.

Local Lineage Green Squad

Click to earn this beautiful Wisdom Card today!

Branch of Blessings
I gather blessings with those I love.

What do you feel most grateful for? When you look around the green world it’s easy to give thanks for the sun, the trees, and the even the rain! Make a branch of blessings to show that you appreciate all the gifts in your life. Learn how in this Wisdom Act:

Branch of Blessings

Click to earn this beautiful Wisdom Card today!

More Wisdom Acts…

Wisdom Cards

Click to explore the beautiful cards and pick another adventure for today!

Don’t forget to Buy Birdie’s Book for the tween girl in your life!

Family Wisdoms and My Glimmer Tree

Family Wisdoms
We grow from our family trees.

Our families are the roots from which we grow. Although we all blossom in different ways, we can find support in our lineage. Interview a family member and discover your family’s wisdom! Do this Wisdom Act with your fam today!

Family Wisdoms Card

Click to earn this beautiful Wisdom Card today!


My Glimmer Tree
Find your Glimmer Tree and share it with a friend!

Birdie hugs the Glimmer Tree when she meets it for the first time. How do you honor trees in real life? You decide, share an adventure with a friend, and grow in the Wisdom of the Arbor Lineage! Learn how in this Wisdom Act:

Glimmer Tree Wisdom Card

Click to earn this beautiful Wisdom Card today!


Check out lots more Wisdom Acts at the Wisdom Chooser.